


IAB Europe、各国のマルチデバイスに関するインサイト集を公開


The library is intended to bring together the most recent best practice multi-device and cross market studies. It features regional and local market multi-device consumption research from the following companies and associations: AGOF, BVDW, comScore, IAB Austria, IAB Serbia, IAB Switzerland, IAB Turkey, IAB UK, Millward Brown and United Internet Media.

Studies included will explore the use of TVs, PCs, laptops, tablets, mobiles and smartphones; how devices are used in combination; device usage during the day; share of time spent on each device; type of content consumed.

“I am delighted IAB members have come together to contribute towards this reference point on the topic of media consumption which is of fundamental importance for any local or global marketer,” said Alison Fennah, executive business advisor at IAB Europe. “It is a valuable addition to IAB Europe’s research and insight portfolio.”

The library can be accessed here.

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