








新業務はVideologyの欧州、APAC地域全体におけるビデオ展開拡大、さらに英国の代理店や放送局との提携関係確立に貢献した前経営企画ディレクターのライス・マクラクラン(Rhys McLachlan)氏が率いる。テレビと新興メディアのベテランであるマクラクラン氏は2011年Videologyに加わるまで、MediaCom U.K.のFutures担当マネジングパートナーを務め、放送推進を先導した。

Videologyはまた、シンガポールのクリスチャン・クラクストン(Kristian Claxton)氏をAPAC地域テレビ業務のトップに任命した。現在、Videologyの同地域会計責任者を務めるクラクストン氏はAPAC地域で、イニシアチブを支えるよう開発されたテレビ中心のツール一式をサポートするオンボーディング・ローカルデータ重視のテレビ戦略実施に責任を持つ。クラクストン氏はVideologyに加わる前、英国の放送メディア、MECとChannel 4に勤務していた。



Videology, Inc.はベンチャーキャピタルの出資を得た非公開企業である。出資者にはCatalyst Investors、Comcast Ventures、NEA、Pinnacle Ventures、Valhalla Partnersが含まれている。Videologyは本社をニューヨークに置き、支社はボルティモア、オースティン、トロント、ロンドン、パリ、マドリード、東京、シンガポール、シドニーにあり、北米各所に営業所を設けている。


Videology, one of the world’s largest video advertising technology platforms, today announced the expansion of its dedicated TV Practice to the APAC region, as the company continues its focus on bringing cross-screen advertising solutions to its clients, including agencies, advertisers and media companies. While currently more than 50% of Videology’s internal revenue comes from television budgets, the company estimates that the TV Practice could represent as much as a $250 million opportunity in 2015 across the globe.

The division will help advertisers and media companies-Videology’s key client groups – capitalize on the massive new opportunity to engage with audiences across different screens, capturing linear TV, smart-TV and online video viewers as they shift between viewing platforms. The division will bring together the company’s diversifying television expertise spanning business development, partnership marketing and product innovation, to focus their efforts and provide overarching strategic direction in one of the fastest moving segments of programmatic advertising.

“We’re proud to be the first and only video ad tech company with an entire practice dedicated to television. While the practice may be new to the industry, we see this as a logical and much needed strategic move in the current media landscape,” said Scott Ferber, Chairman and CEO of Videology. “In speaking with clients on both the demand and supply side of the house, they are ready to implement and act upon the convergence of TV and video. As a technology provider, we must be able to provide them with the tools and expertise they need to efficiently plan, buy and sell ads across screens. We’ve already made tremendous progress, but this new alignment will allow us to work smarter and move faster in order to meet the evolving needs of our clients.”

Videology’s new practice speaks to the company’s unique capabilities in providing television-centric, cross-screen advertising technology upon which the company was built. The practice will encompass all of Videology’s television initiatives, including products designed to plan, execute, measure and optimize cross-screen linear television and digital video advertising campaigns, as well as its industry-leading work in advanced, addressable television.

The new practice will be led by Rhys McLachlan, formerly Director of Corporate Development for Videology, who has been instrumental in expanding the company’s video footprint across Europe and the APAC region, and further establishing its partnerships with agencies and broadcasters in the U.K. A television and emerging media veteran, McLachlan led broadcast implementation before becoming Managing Partner, Futures, for MediaCom U.K. prior to joining Videology in 2011.

Videology has also named Kristian Claxton, based in Singapore, to lead its APAC television practice. Claxton, currently Videology’s head of commercial accounts for the region, will be taking on responsibility for leading the APAC execution of the company’s television strategy, with a focus on on-boarding local data sets to support the suite of TV-centric tools that have been developed to support the initiative. Prior to joining Videology, Claxton worked in broadcast media for both MEC and Channel 4 in the U.K.

Further team expansion across APAC and other regions will continue throughout 2015.

About Videology
Videology (videologygroup.com) is one of the world’s largest video advertising technology platforms. By simplifying big data, we empower marketers and media companies to make smarter advertising decisions to fully harness the value of their audience across screens. Our math and science-based technology enables our customers to manage, measure and optimize digital video and TV advertising to achieve the best results in the converging media landscape.

Videology, Inc., is a privately-held, venture-backed company, whose investors include Catalyst Investors, Comcast Ventures, NEA, Pinnacle Ventures, and Valhalla Partners. Videology is headquartered in New York, with key offices in Baltimore, Austin, Toronto, London, Paris, Madrid, Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney and sales teams across North America. For more information, contact Michele Skettino at Michele@videologygroup.com or +1-212-231-7853.

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