comScoreとMillward Brownが提携 ーデジタル広告効果の測定分野で協業ー
Millward Brown and comScore have signed a partnership designed to provide brands with an unprecedented understanding of how their digital advertising is performing. The partnership, which includes all markets outside U.S., Canada and Taiwan, will enable brands and their agencies to assess the full value of their digital advertising. The combined data will also benefit publishers looking to demonstrate the power and value of their platforms to advertisers.
The two companies will combine metrics to provide a unique and comprehensive dataset that delivers across three areas:
First, audience metrics from comScore validated Campaign Essentials™ (vCE®) let brands and their agencies know if ads were viewable, by human eyes, in a brand-safe environment, and if the validated impressions reached the intended target audience. By identifying impressions that had the best chance to make an impact, advertisers can better identify waste and optimize delivery.
Second, marketers can assess the brand impact of digital campaigns through traditional brand metrics such as awareness and purchase intent. Millward Brown‘s Brand Lift Insights solution will assess how attitudes to the brand have changed after exposure to digital advertising and compare results to Millward Brown’s vast global normative database. A respondent-level connection to vCE will now enable brand lift to be filtered based on metrics such as in-view impressions and free from invalid traffic.
Third, the partnership measures consumer behavior. Using comScore Action Lift™, brands can understand how their online campaigns have driven shifts in metrics such as site visits, competitive share, branded searches and online conversions.
The three elements of the partnership, individually, are proven to deliver insights that allow brands to increase campaign effectiveness. Combined, they create an incredibly powerful toolkit to help marketers determine the full value of a validated impression across all digital platforms.
“Advertisers need a comprehensive view of digital effectiveness from delivery through to impact and this partnership will enable us to provide that globally with immediate effect,” said Duncan Southgate, Global Brand Director, Digital at Millward Brown (pictured top left).
“By combining the expertise of our two organisations, advertisers will have access to the best-in-class solutions to evaluate and optimise the right metrics on the impact on brand perception and consumer behavior,” said Paul Goode, SVP Strategic Partnerships at comScore. “Everyone likes big numbers, but optimising campaigns for viewable impressions alone without advanced invalid traffic removal is chasing the wrong big number.”
Under the partnership, Millward Brown will resell comScore vCE and Action Lift products, while comScore will provide sales referral for Millward Brown’s Brand Lift Insights. The companies will work together with clients and their agencies to deliver guidance on the best combination of products to help clients meet specific business objectives.