A Stranger, Called RTB
Within the wide array of available options on the current advertising market, RTB is surely quite the new notion to consider. Having been introduced not so long ago, it has already attracted a great deal of attention from diverse players in the industry, acquired considerable popularity and is likely to gain even more fame in the upcoming future.
As opposed to the more or less traditional advertising model, real-time bidding or as it’s mostly called RTB presupposes selling certain audience (with the set of its specific parameters) to advertisers via the SSP-DSP auction in real time. One of the most essential features of such purchases, in this respect, lie in the expanded possibilities to target the exact users a particular advertiser is interested in and enhance the effectiveness of the run ad campaigns.
The New Hit
As it’s been already mentioned, even though the concept of RTB happens to be relatively young, it has now become the real new advertising hit worldwide, much due to its significant profitability for advertisers and publishers. Namely, a lot of large ad enterprises have shown the rapid growth of RTB revenue during the past year, e.g. according to Admeld’s official reports, the company’s profits via RTB has enlarged for almost 41%, and this example isn’t the only one. Moreover, the famous providers appear to be even more optimistic about the future and foresee the further increase of real-time bidding share.
Perspectives of Traditional Advertising
Despite some pessimistic predictions, the industry is still in need of the well-known traditional advertising model, which turns out to be sufficiently beneficial for both publishers and advertisers. According to Adam Jablonski, CEO of Epom, the Poland-based ad serving and ad management company, direct ad purchasing is seemingly more advantageous for advertisers, who aren’t looking for specific audience. Moreover, most large publishers can also sell ad space in the direct way (the so to say guaranteed impressions) and use the RTB model to deal with the left traffic. Such mixture of revenue sources will, obviously, enable them to make more money.
Read more at http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/rtb-traditional-advertising-friends-or-foes-0319348#mCCghC7DP8FH78QY.99