FacebookExchangeのユーザとコンバージョンの時間帯について Triggit調べ
Facebook users who see retargeting ads on the social network through the Facebook Exchange are clicking and converting throughout the day, says FBX partner Triggit. That’s an advantage over traditional real-time bidding exchanges, where conversions skew toward post-work hours.
Triggit says one e-tail client saw over 53 percent of click-through conversions on traditional display occur between 4-8 p.m. PST. Only about 22 percent occured between 7 a.m. and noon PST. With the Facebook Exchange, however, conversions were more evenly distributed throughout the day. Only about 41 percent of conversions on FBX occurred during those prime post-work conversion hours, 4-8 p.m., and about 32 percent occurred during working hours of 7 a.m. to noon. The differences are seen in the graphs below, though it’s important to note that the Facebook Exchange is still very new and trends are difficult to declare at this stage.
The relative frequency of conversions is clearly more evenly distributed in the second graph, which represents several hundred conversions on the Facebook Exchange. Triggit says this is reflective of users tendency to check Facebook at all hours, and shows that users are consuming and engaging with ads at about the same rate throughout the day.
“If anything, RTB on Facebook skews to the exact middle of the ‘work’ day, between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. PST,” Triggit account manager Steve Palombo wrote in a blog post.
Triggit says about 60 percent of the advertiser’s conversions on FBX occurred during the typical 9-to-5 workday, compared to only about 40 percent across traditional display. Interestingly, FBX’s peak conversion time was during the lunch break of 12-1 p.m. PST. On traditional exchanges, the lunch hour produces a lower than average number of conversions.
TellApart, another company running ads on the Facebook Exchange, hasn’t seen the same patterns. TellApart CEO Josh McFarland says there is no significant difference in impression, click or conversion distribution throughout the day on Facebook versus other exchanges. He says bid volumes are distributed the same way throughout the day, but on major exchanges where competition is high, it takes a higher bid to win impressions. On Facebook, advertisers can win more impressions earlier in the day without necessarily raising their bids.
Triggit Marketing Director Christina Park says it wasn’t surprising that users on Facebook were coming up for bids all day and every day of the week “since everyone knows that Facebook is the most engaging site in the world.” What was less expected was that post-click conversions would come at faster rates on Facebook than traditional display. She noted that Facebook being a “brand-safe” site helps translate to a higher number of conversions. In an interview with AllThingsD, Triggit CEO Zach Coelius also suggested that traffic on other websites is often search-driven so users are looking for something specific, whereas Facebook is something that users always have open and are potentially seeing ads on.
Kenshoo Social provided the following data about clicks and conversions on Facebook, which also show relatively even distribution throughout the day, apart from sleeping hours. The data covers more than 8 million clicks and conversions for FBX and other Facebook ad types between Sept. 9 and Oct. 10.