Real-time bidding is a relatively new means of purchasing ad inventory and it has gained significant attention and ad dollars in the US. RTB on display ads allows advertisers to buy ads in real time based on a pairing of audience data with publisher-served impressions.
In Japan, real-time bidding spending has been low, but this year, according to an October report from the International Data Corporation (IDC), RTB digital display sales will grow nearly 300%, the highest growth rate for any country measured. Worldwide RTB spending growth in 2012 will hover around 120%.
Although the US will remain the leader in RTB spending through 2016, Japan will surpass the UK in 2014 for the No. 2 spot in terms of ad dollars. By 2016, IDC predicts RTB display ad sales will account for 28.5% of total digital display dollars in Japan. Mobile will be a minor recipient of RTB sales, at 2.4% in 2013, rising to 6.6% by 2016.
On the heels of Japan’s impressive RTB uptake, the Asia-Pacific region will continue to dominate growth in the market in 2013, with China making the next big leap into the new ad-purchase territory. The country is about a year behind Japan in terms of growth. In 2013, RTB spending will jump 300% to $83 million.
The rest of Asia-Pacific will make the next 300% RTB leap in 2014. One year later, in 2015, RTB display ad spending around the world will top $10 billion.
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