SpotXchange has some pretty cool tech. Now, they’re working on helping everyone get the most out of that technology by offering a series of informational articles in their Digital Video Survival Guide. The newest chapter, is all about Buy and Sell Sides, Roles and Responsibilities.
If you’re just getting into online video advertising or trying to get more out of your online video ad campaigns then you need to have all the tools available that you can get your hands on. When first entering into something it’s best to know how to put your best foot forward as they say, but what are your responsibilities as a buyer and more importantly what are those of the seller.
What should I be offering as a seller of online video ad inventory?
According to SpotX the things that buyers really want include the information on who viewed the ad including things like demographics, geo-location and any other possible information they can get to ensure they are reaching their desired target audience. That other info could include device used to view the ad.
It’s of vital importance that you can supply the buyers with things like CTR, length of view and completion rate for starters. They’ll also want to know if the ad was user-initiated or was it on autoplay. If it’s autoplay and it’s beyond the fold…that’s a no no.
On top of that buyers also want to know exactly which page the ads will be run on as well as where on the page they will run. Is it pre-fold? Do the users have to scroll down before the ad shows up? Those are key things that will also factor into your pricing. Since we have passed the age of aversion advertising and have moved into the complementary targeting age buyers want to know the content is going to be brand safe and suited to their advertising. They also want to know what other ads and elements will be placed nearby.
Along with positioning is also how it was offered to the viewer. Was it in stream with other video content or was it in a display position. How much real estate is the ad taking up, if in the player how large is the player on the page and along with that, at what quality level was the ad streamed.
What should I be offering as a buyer of online video ad inventory?
Being a seller of video ad inventory is difficult enough as is, but when you don’t have the proper information that you want in order to make some determinations on things like price, availability, positioning, etc. it’s even harder. So there are some things that you, as an ad inventory buyer, should be able to supply.
For example, be clear what you are looking for. Do you only want pre-fold, in-stream video ad placements? Then tell the sellers that. Are you alright with autoplay in a video player but not OK with it in a display placement? That’s a pretty big point to make.
You also have to clearly transmit what you value a view at so that you can come to some agreement on pricing. As a seller it pays to have a little flexibility in your pricing structure but even more beneficial is when the buyer and seller agree on the value of a view and then work from there on the inventory purchase.
Perhaps, you aren’t sure where you want the video ad placed, then it might be best to transmit to the seller what the goals or your campaign are so that they can better tailor an inventory package for you.
Focal Point
The key to running a great and valuable online video ad campaign is communication and information. The more both sides have, the better able each are to get what they need. SpotX suggests three main factors and I have to agree: control, transparency and efficiency. This goes for both internal as well as external communication. Your own team has to know what everyone is doing so they can all work at creating a better, more cohesive advertising campaign with video a key part of it.
Interested in reading more of Chapter 4 Buy and Sell Sides, Roles and Responsibilities of the Digital Survival Guide? Head over to SpotXchange and get it, and the first three chapters, today.
Chapter One was released in early October and provided a glimpse into the state of video in the advertising industry, highlighting trends in RTB, private exchanges, etc. Chapter 2 focus edon how TV dollars can move to digital and Chapter 3 addressed digital video across multiple platforms.